Enhancing your smile depends on making the right decisions to keep your smile safe. Always set up an effective oral health care checklist and make sure you’re doing everything you can to give your smile the greatest chance for success. By establishing a checklist to align your smile with your oral health care, you can rest assure that a smile makeover can be accomplished and turn even the worst of smiles into mouth masterpieces. Here are some helpful tips to follow:
– Try to use products that have been suggested or approved by your dentist.
– Use oral appliances that can help keep your smile safe. This includes mouth guards and face masks when playing sports.
– Use safe teeth-whitening products that are not damaging to your tooth enamel or gums. This includes professional in-office treatments which are guaranteed to be safe and effective.
– Avoid unhealthy habits that can lead to severe oral ailments including dental damage in the form of nerve damage, infections, and chipped and cracked teeth.
– Avoid hard candies that can easily chip and crack your teeth.
– Visit your dentist for routine examinations and treatments to consider if any tooth restorations and replacements need to be given.
If you are seeking treatment for a superior smile, we are here to help you. For a thorough diagnosis and treatment, please contact MI Beautiful Smile to set up an appointment with Dr. David Tapani and our team at our dentist office in Davisburg, Michigan by calling us at 248-634-7002.