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The Benefits of a Professional Teeth Whitening

Have you ever considered whitening your teeth? If you have, you're not alone. In fact, getting your teeth whitened is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the United States. Similarly, you probably also know that you have several options for brightening your smile. However, did you know that each of these different options could offer different benefits? Naturally,... read more »

How to Floss Your Teeth

You probably understand how brushing your teeth can benefit the health of your entire mouth, but do you know why flossing is important? In reality, there are a number of benefits to flossing, and a few things you may need to do to get the most benefits from your flossing. When you brush your teeth, you’re removing plaque and bacteria.... read more »

Pregnancy Can Affect Your Oral Health: The Facts

If you’re pregnant—especially if you’re pregnant for the first time—you may be both excited and nervous. You probably understand that there are several things you’ll need to do to get ready. You also know that your body will change to accommodate your little one, but did you know that your mouth will change as well? For example, you’ll have more... read more »

The Harmful Effects of Tobacco on Your Smile

You probably know that smoking can have a negative impact on your overall health, but did you know that tobacco use can also have an impact on your oral health? Sadly, issues resulting from tobacco use can actually be quite severe. Smoking leads to bad breath and stained teeth. If your teeth are yellowed, our team can help you with... read more »

Dental Checkups: The Answers to FAQs

Do you wish you knew more about dental checkups in Davisburg, Michigan? If so, your dentist, Dr. David Tapani, and our friendly dental team are more than happy to help you! To teach you a little more about dental checkups, we have provided the answers to the following frequently asked questions: Q: Why are regular dental visits important? A: Regular... read more »

Have the Family’s Best Smile for the Holidays

The holiday season is fully upon us, which means it’s time for family dinners and parties. While it’s not always a competition to see who looks the best at these get-togethers, having the best smile can instill a bit of pride and self-confidence this holiday season. While there are a lot of options for getting your smile in holiday shape,... read more »

What to Do About the Spots on Your Teeth

Have you ever seen white spots on anyone’s teeth? While many people hope to have a white smile, these spots can be embarrassing. These spots can be caused by several issues but there are a number of things you can consider doing to avoid and address these problems. White spots are often the result of a condition called enamel hypoplasia.... read more »

What You Need to Know About Enamel Erosion

Did you know that the strongest muscle in your body is actually your tongue? Have you also heard that your mouth also contains the strongest substance in your body? As you may already know, this incredibly hard substance is your enamel--the outer, protective layer of your teeth. But even though enamel is extremely hard, it can still be damaged or... read more »

What are Dental Sealants?

You may have heard that dental sealants are great for the health of your teeth, and that they could even stop cavities from forming--but what else have you heard about this important treatment? For example, do you know if you’re a good candidate for sealants or why sealants benefit you? As you may know, sealants are useful because they keep... read more »

All You Need to Know About Dental Veneer Treatment

Dental veneers in Davisburg, Michigan, are wafer-thin shells that cover your teeth and disguise their imperfections. They are great products that can give you your dream smile in just a short amount of time. If you are about to boost your smile’s appearance with dental veneers, our MI Beautiful Smile team wants to help you prepare for your appointment! When... read more »