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Choose Dentures for a Smile Restoration

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Are you looking for the right smile restoration for you? If so, you have come to the right place! Here at MI Beautiful Smile in Davisburg, Michigan, we are happy to talk to you about dentures and how they can improve your smile and oral health. To help you learn more, we have provided you with some basic information on dentures.

In a nutshell, dentures are removable appliances that can replace all your missing teeth and restore your oral health. There are various reasons people lose their natural teeth. For example, gum disease, severe injuries, and other dental situations can all cause situations that result in losing your teeth. That is why dentures are a wonderful option for any smile restoration needs.

If you lose all of your teeth, the muscles in your face will begin to sag, which could make you look older. Dentures can also look natural, so others may not know you are wearing them. Depending on your specific needs and situation, Dr. David Tapani will be able to determine which of the three different types of dentures are right for you.

If you still have questions about your oral health care or wonder if dentures are the right option for you, please call us today at 248-634-7002 to make an appointment. Our caring and expert staff is happy to address any questions or concerns you may have pertaining to your oral care.