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Keep Your Teeth in Top-Top Shape While Traveling

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Are you traveling during the upcoming holidays? Keep your teeth in tip-top shape while visiting new places or even a family member’s house by following these tips:

– Have your dentist’s contact information ready in case an emergency and you can get immediate care.

– If you are traveling overseas, ask your concierge for recommendations on the best dental care services in the area and contact the closest dental office.

– Whether you are gone for a week or a month, schedule a checkup and cleaning appointment within six months of one another. It’s a good idea to get a biannual exam and cleaning with Dr. David Tapani and our professionals to ensure all is well.

– If you happen to be in the African jungle, you can use your finger/washcloth and toothpaste, and also be rinsing vigorously with water. Once you find a toothbrush, check for an ADA Seal of Acceptance. If there are not any toothbrushes with the seal, find the softest toothbrush available.

– Keep your toothbrushes clean by wrapping them in resealable plastic bags or purchase a toothbrush case. Also, keep them away from other objects or around unfamiliar areas where there can be germs and bacteria.

– Pack ADA-certified or accepted gum, such as sugarless gum with the seal. Chewing gum for 20 minutes after a meal can help stave of cavities, since it helps saliva flow, helping to wash away bacteria.

Be sure to follow these tips for a healthy mouth while on vacation. Call MI Beautiful Smile and our professional dentists if you have any questions by calling 248-634-7002. Our office here in Davisburg, Michigan, will be happy to help you and your smile today!