Dental sealants are a form of tooth restoration treatment that applies a specialized gel across your teeth, usually your molars. Once the sealant hardens into a substance that can mimic an additional layer of tooth enamel it will further protect your teeth from the dangers of plaque and cavities.
To take your oral health care to new heights with dental sealants, let’s look at what they can do for you:
— Tooth enamel is better suited when under the aid of dental sealants, which can resist the acids that erode through normal teeth.
— A single dental sealant usually last over 10 years before a replacement should be considered.
— According to various studies, you can lower your risk for tooth decay by as much as 80% with the application of dental sealant procedures.
— Around the age of 6, a child’s first molar begins to be visible above the gum line. When this occurs, sealants can be beneficial for their teeth.
— Children can benefit significantly from dental sealants, as they are often at the greatest risk for cavities and tooth decay. Studies done by the CDC have proven that children with sealants are 3 times less likely to develop cavities on protected teeth.
— Sealants are frequently clear and allow the natural beauty of teeth to continue to shine through.
If you are looking for dental sealant treatments in Davisburg, Michigan, come see MI Beautiful Smile at your earliest convenience. To schedule an appointment with Dr. David Tapani, please call our dental office at 248-634-7002. With the help of our team and dental sealants, the pathway to a clear smile can be yours. Let us get you started on the road to a brighter, confident smile!